Ransom Aloe Pura Gel de Aloe Vera 200ml con Tea Tree Oil
- Made with 100% organic Aloe Vera with a selection of natural extracts all chosen for their beneficial properties.
- Produced from pure Aloe Vera inner gel
- capturing the maximum nutritional activity of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Plant.
- The Aloe Vera used on the Aloe Pura range has the international Aloe Science Council Seal of approval for quality and purity.
- All gels are made with 100% organic Aloe Vera
AP Aloe Vera Gel + Tee Tree 200ml
– Made with 100% organic Aloe Vera with a selection of natural extracts all chosen for their beneficial properties.
– Produced from pure Aloe Vera inner gel
– capturing the maximum nutritional activity of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Plant.
– The Aloe Vera used on the Aloe Pura range has the international Aloe Science Council Seal of approval for quality and purity.
– All gels are made with 100% organic Aloe Vera
Precio: EUR 5,17